Kate Howard Homeopathy

Discover the Power of Homeopathic Medicine
As a registered Homeopath RSHom, I believe that good health is the foundation of everything we do. I get to know all of my patients on a deep level to uncover the root causes of their health concerns whether they are struggling with physical, emotional or mental symptoms.
I treat acute and chronic symptoms in all ages from pregnancy and birth right up to the latter stages of life; supported by a wealth of experience as a nurse in my previous career. ​
Whether you're dealing with physical or emotional concerns, I am here to help you achieve your health goals and improve your quality of life.
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy works by the law of similars. This is the law that a disease or symptom can be cured by a medicine that causes the same disease/symptom in a healthy person.
Lets take the remedy allium cepa for example, made from the red onion. A person with hayfever or flu symptoms suffering with stinging, watery eyes would respond to this remedy as these are the symptoms that a red onion would cause.
This is just one example from thousands of remedies. In order for me to prescribe the remedy most suited to you I will take into account your whole symptom picture; physically, mentally and emotionally. I treat you as a whole, not as one part in order to bring your health back into balance.
Homeopathic medicines are derived from plants, minerals and animals much like conventional medicines. The difference is that the toxins still remain within conventional medicines whereas with homeopathic medicines the toxins have been removed with only the energetic imprint of the substance remaining. The energy of the body responds to the energy of the remedy and it is this that enables the body to come back into homeostasis.
About me
Hello I am Kate Howard
My mission is to support people to regain their health and wellbeing. Having trained and practised as a nurse within the NHS I have seen firsthand the effects of acute and chronic disease on patients and the detriment that this has on their lives.
I discovered homeopathy as a mum to three young children when I experienced my own difficulties with some emotional and physical symptoms following the birth of my third child and the loss of two close family members.
Homeopathy completely turned my life around and from that moment onwards I was pestering my homeopath for books and more information. She then took me on as an apprentice homeopath in classical homeopathy and the rest is history; we are now establishing our practice together.
I am a registered RSHom with the Society of Homeopaths and have trained in breastfeeding support and antenatal education.

Adult consultation
Initial consultations are thorough, lasting between 1.5-2 hours. During this time we will discuss your medical history and how your symptoms are impacting your daily life. Follow-up consultations last 1 hour and enable me to monitor your progress on average 4 weekly (some require more/less frequent depending on symptoms) . As your symptoms become more stable consultations then become less frequent. All remedies prescribed are included in fees.
Child consultation
Initial consultations last up to an hour and provide parents with an opportunity to discuss childhood health concerns in a welcoming and supportive environment. We will work together to explore how your child is feeling and develop a treatment plan that meets their individual needs. Follow up consultations last 30 minutes. All remedies prescribed included in fees.
Acute consultation
Acute support is included in fees for patients who see me regularly. My acute support service provides patients with a quick and effective solution to their acute symptoms. This is any symptom that have persisted for less than 2 weeks (any longer would require a full consultation).